Re: battery drain because of wifi how do i find out how the a nexus team is progressing with a fix? i see the nexus 5 and android as commercial. Android marshmallow problems and how to fix marshmallow wi-fi battery drain. the quickest solution to fix battery drain following an android update is to. As impressive as android marshmallow is, regarding new and improved features, not everything about it is perfect. in fact, battery drain is a common compla.
Android os high battery drain on wifi - description and possible solutions high wifi drain on an android battery drain 2 nights ago without the fix,. Wifi draining battery on your android device running the freshest release of android (marshmallow)? you’re not alone. +nomaan mohammad over at google+ found the. Fix android 6.0 m wifi drain battery. fix battery drain problem due to wi-fi # android 6.0 # all devices , moto g4 plus solution. - duration: 0:58..