It will tell me i have 40% and then jump to my iphone 5 battery life jumps around and i have the same problem on my iphone 5 with 7.0.4 - battery. So during my third charge of the iphone 6s plus i've noticed something weird. i started charging at 4% left and got back to my phone ten minutes later... it was still. Does your iphone battery drain too quickly? find service options and tips to extend the battery life of your iphone..
Since version 10.x.x i've had problem with my iphone 6 battery jumping from 70-80% to 2-20% and when the charger is attached it jumps up.. How to fix iphone stuck at battery logo alan adams. the hair dryer will warm up the battery to jump-start the iphone and to bring your iphone back. Hi all, i have a problem with my iphone 5, using ios6.1 and jailbroken. the problem is, my battery sometimes drops 8-10% in one go, for no reason..