[disclaimer] i'm am not liable if you mess up your phone and you have a panic attack because your phone exploded and a leprechaun comes out with a pot of. If you’ve recently updated your verizon galaxy s3 to the leaked android 4.1 jelly bean, or are using a custom jelly bean rom based on that build, chances are that. Battery drain on jelly bean search for: all categories we know there is a problem with 3g drinking battery but how likely are we to see a fix..
Thanks jblaylock -- i think your issue is fairly isolated and if we can't get it running better you probably should look at a repair. excuse me for not looking back. I installed the jb update to my atrix hd about 6 hours ago, and ever since then the battery is being sucked down at a rate about 10x what it was. A protip by pleone about google, android, nexus, battery, drain, galaxy nexus, and google now..